정리 습관(★arranging★)
2019. 10. 31. 08:38
disagreement, ready made, lordly, veil, even thoygh
I wanted read made the lordly veil even though, he disagree with it.
좋아, 드디어 디데이네.
OK, the big day is here.
우리 분장을 세상에 뽐낼 준비 됐어?
Are you ready to reveal our costumes to the world?
아, 마이크. 너무 오버하지 마.
Oh, Mike. Don’t make such a big deal out of it.
그냥 친구들과 변장 파티를 하는 거잖아.
It’s just a costume party with our friends.
알어.아는데 나 이런거 되게 좋아해
i know but i like to get excited for things like this.
머다른거 챙겨갈꺼없나?
is there anything else we should bring.
내가 오후에 호박 모양 쿠키를 좀 만들었어.
I made some pumpkin-shaped cookies this afternoon.
그리고 편의점에서 마실 것 좀 사 가자.
And let’s pick up some drinks at the convenience store.
let's hit the road.
할로윈에 들뜬 착한남편 좀 맞춰주세요..
disagreement, ready made, lordly, veil, even thoygh
I wanted read made the lordly veil even though, he disagree with it.
좋아, 드디어 디데이네.
OK, the big day is here.
우리 분장을 세상에 뽐낼 준비 됐어?
Are you ready to reveal our costumes to the world?
아, 마이크. 너무 오버하지 마.
Oh, Mike. Don’t make such a big deal out of it.
그냥 친구들과 변장 파티를 하는 거잖아.
It’s just a costume party with our friends.
알어.아는데 나 이런거 되게 좋아해
i know but i like to get excited for things like this.
머다른거 챙겨갈꺼없나?
is there anything else we should bring.
내가 오후에 호박 모양 쿠키를 좀 만들었어.
I made some pumpkin-shaped cookies this afternoon.
그리고 편의점에서 마실 것 좀 사 가자.
And let’s pick up some drinks at the convenience store.
let's hit the road.
할로윈에 들뜬 착한남편 좀 맞춰주세요..