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by 정리 습관(★arranging★) 2020. 2. 7.

in a nutshell 간단히 말해서 말해서

i'll give the details in a nutshell.
i've wrong today in a nutshell

comprehensive 포괄적인

i do want a more comprehensive.

rip the band-aid off 해버리자! 쇠뿔도단김에뺀다.

Go camping. I think we should rip the band-aid off.

clinical distance 실험적인(임상) 거리


Do you have a car?

No, i don't.

Then do you commute to and from work by public transfertation.

No, I commute by my motorcycle.

Isn't it dangerous?

I always have to be careful, especially bad weather.

Oh i see. I heard about that the weather will be good this weekend.
how about going for a drive with your motorcycle.

Sure, that would be fun.

'외국어 > 네이버영어회화' 카테고리의 다른 글

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