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by 정리 습관(★arranging★) 2020. 2. 21.

남의 가정사야...신경끄자.
Have you heard anything about jack and jane?
I think because they have diffrent tastes, they are interested diffrent things.
wow they really are diffrent.
Also jack's more emotional and jane's mor rational.
yeah, and thier personalities differ a lot.
Jack likes read books but jane likes working out.
But won't they get used to each other after a while.
Probably. It's only been six months since they got married.

emotional / rational 감정적 / 이성적
won't they get used to it 익숙해지지않을까?

from carrot.
hit up that new restaurant.
catch up over dinner.
why don't we go grabbing a drink while we waiting.
the taco are to die for
i'm in the mood for somthing.
i'll try anything once.

strongly suggest. 강추
lost appetite. 입맛없음

you are what you eat.잘먹어야되
call ahead.미리 알리다
on an empty stomach. 허기진채로
wined and dined. 푸짐한 대접
order in. 배달 시키다.

'외국어 > 네이버영어회화' 카테고리의 다른 글

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