오늘의 단어
discomfort, outrage,jump off,psychic,publication.
불편, 분노,뛰어들다,심령,간행물
The publication about psychic discomfort lead people jumping off to outrage.
모니터 산거 자랑 겸 기계치인증
I bought a new monitor.
I don't have to look at the small laptop screen anymore.
인제 노트북 직은 화면 안봐도되
good job why did you buy it now.
잘됐네 왜 진작 안하구
Well, I didn't know it would be this easy to connect back then.
연결하기 쉬운지 몰랐엉
i found out today that only a 7 dollars cable is needed
7달러짜리 케이블만 있으면 되는걸 이제 일았네
Yeah, it’s easy if you have the cable and monitor. Did you hook it up?
맞아. 케이블이랑 모니터만 있음되지. 연결했옹?
Not yet. Let's do it together. It's still in the box.
아직 인했엉 박스에 있는데 같이하자
ok i can't wait to see your new monitor
좋지 기대된다야
discomfort, outrage,jump off,psychic,publication.
불편, 분노,뛰어들다,심령,간행물
The publication about psychic discomfort lead people jumping off to outrage.
모니터 산거 자랑 겸 기계치인증
I bought a new monitor.
I don't have to look at the small laptop screen anymore.
인제 노트북 직은 화면 안봐도되
good job why did you buy it now.
잘됐네 왜 진작 안하구
Well, I didn't know it would be this easy to connect back then.
연결하기 쉬운지 몰랐엉
i found out today that only a 7 dollars cable is needed
7달러짜리 케이블만 있으면 되는걸 이제 일았네
Yeah, it’s easy if you have the cable and monitor. Did you hook it up?
맞아. 케이블이랑 모니터만 있음되지. 연결했옹?
Not yet. Let's do it together. It's still in the box.
아직 인했엉 박스에 있는데 같이하자
ok i can't wait to see your new monitor
좋지 기대된다야
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