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1층에서 간단한 사전체크후입장한다.
안내 데스크에 계신분이 빠릿빠릿 하시고 친절하십니다.
평일 낮이라 사람이 크게 많지는 않았지만, 조금 붐비긴한다.
다벗는사람이 있나봐요 | 아~ 대장검진은 다르군요 |
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여기저기 안좋은 리뷰들에서 봤던 까칠한 직원은 없는것같지만 대기는 좀 긴듯하다. 긴 대기시간으로 짜증내시는 분이 발견된다. 이상하네 난 오고 5분만에 옷 갈아 입으러 들어갔는뎅..
2층에 올라오면 당황하지말고, 자리에 앉아서 기다리면 호명한다고 합니다.
2층이 메인! | 1층/3층 약도입니다. |
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소파나 의자는 편한편이고, 탈의실에서 본대로 핸드폰은 들고가도된다.
혈압체크부터 시작!
한분이 이쪽 저쪽 안내를 해준다. 기본적인 순서는 있는상태에서, 아마 각 과에서 비는시간을 최소화하게 서로 연락하면서 돌리는듯. 얼핏들으니 MRI기계 머때문에 먼저 올려달라고 하고 그러더라.
가정의학과 오현정 전문의 선생님 대기중
간단하게 정말 간단하게 문진한다음에 바로 MRI하러 이동!
대기공간에 티비틀어주는데 여자배구 이겼다네! 예이
이어서 엑스레이 초음파 소변,피 시력 키 등 한다음에 3층에있는 내시경센터로 왔습니다. 이게 마지막인듯
프로포폴에 수면 힐링 대기중
내시경이 제일 시간이 걸려서인지 대기공간도 제일크다.
와이파이 비밀번호는 요렇게 LDS_Guest / 21843000
대기공간에서 사전 안내사항과 상담을 전행하고 들어가서 내시경하는듯합니다.
이제 빠이...
위내시경이라 물도마실수없다고 소변검사할때도 물을못마셨는데 물마시고싶다.
마우스피스를 물고 한다네요
그리고 다들 모두 친절하신데 악플들은 경쟁사들인가..싶었습니다.
마지막 치과는 소소 16천원 스케일링에 레진치료 24만원 6만원씩 4개 떼우기 15만원씩 2개
약간 떨렸는데 전부 친절하셔서 안심하고 검진받았습니다.
건강검진 결과는 바로 알려주지않고 집으로 우편 발송해준다고합니다.
원래 식사를 제공했던거 같은데, 코로나 때문인지 제공을 안하고 있습니다.
(오후에 검사받아서 안준건가?)
채변검사도 했는데 냉장한거 접수할때 가져가십니다.
리더스헬스케어 추천합니다.!
The article below is completely personal! First, you can find the Evergreen Center. You can't use the entrance to the side of the boulevard. The address is 508 Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu. On my way to the entrance lobby and the dressing room. Enter after simple pre-check on the first floor. The person at the information desk is quick and kind. There weren't many people because it was daytime on weekdays, but it was a little crowded. I think there's someone who' naked. Oh, the colon check-up is different. If you go up here, it starts. I don't think there's a feisty employee I've seen in bad reviews here and there, but the atmosphere is a bit long. A person who is annoyed by the long waiting time is found. That's weird. I went in five minutes to change. If you come up to the second floor, don't panic. If you sit down and wait, you'll be called. The 2nd floor is the main one! The 1st and 3rd floor is the map. The sofa or chair is comfortable, and you can take your cell phone as seen in the dressing room. Let's start with a blood pressure check! Is there a message for one person? One person will guide you from here to there. With the basic order in place, each department probably keeps in touch with each other to minimize free time. At first glance, he asked me to upload it because of the MRI machine. Waiting for Oh Hyun-jung, a family medicine specialist. It's simple. It's really simple.Move on to the MRI right away! I turned on the TV in the waiting room and I won the women's volleyball! Yeyy. Good news! Then I came to the endoscopy center on the 3rd floor after X-ray ultrasonic urine and blood vision keys. I think this is the last time. Waiting for sleep healing in propofol. The atmosphere is also the largest because endoscopy takes the most time. The Wi-Fi password is LDS_Guest / 21843000. It seems like you're doing an endoscopy in the atmosphere with preliminary instructions and consultations. Now, bye... I can't even drink water because it's a gastroscope. I couldn't drink water during the urine test, but I want to drink water. He's biting a mouthpiece. And they're all nice, but are the bad comments competitors?That's what I thought. The last dental clinic is scaling small cattle 16,000 won, resin treatment 240,000 won, 60,000 won, and 4 each, 150,000 won, and 2 each. There's a space for pee and put it in there. There is a clean oxygen generator. There's no Cadenza atmosphere, but... All laboratories are organized like this. Charts/Tags Mri, who's making a lot of noise I was a little nervous, but everyone was so kind that I got a checkup with confidence. They say they will mail the medical examination results home without telling you right away. I think we originally provided meals, but we don't provide them because of Corona. You didn't give it to me because I had it checked in the afternoon? |
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