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SPA시험 후기(24.11.06)

by 정리 습관(★arranging★) 2024. 11. 6.

Speging Proficiency Assesment 공부 후기 남깁니다.
시험 접수 : 시험 약 4주 전 
전략 : 가벼운 분위기를 만들어서 자연스러운척 하자
결과: ? (11.06 기준 3주후 14시 발표)

본인 기본 수준 : 생각 나지 않는 단어/어순에 대해서는 막힘있지만 가벼운 대화는 영어로 가능
(토익스피킹은 IH 받아본 경험 있음-예~~~전에)

시험 20분전 대기실 도착 대기 등록
시험장 입장 (안내된 시간과 입장 시간이 다를 수 있음)
원어민 2인과 만남
시험 과정 소개 해줌
이름 물어봄 ( 자기소개 해달라고 하기도 함 )
스몰 토크함 ( 간단한 인사말 정도 했음 )
상황을 제시하고 의견 묻기를 번갈아가면서 물어봄 + 꼬리 질문
문단을 들려주고 요약하라고 함 + 꼬리 질문
그래프 자료 주고 설명하라고 함 + 꼬리 질문

전반적인 느낌
편안한 분위기에서 이뤄지는 시험임
너무 긴장하지 않아도 되고 눈마주침을 하고 대화를 할 수 있어서 좋았음
안내 나 시간 운영 같은건 좀 체계가 부족하다고 느꼈음
사람이 평가하는거다 보니 평가자 마다 기준이 각기 다를것 같음.

공부 방법
ybm에서 기초 강좌 수강 (SPA Level 3전략-기본 유형 완전 정복)
중급 강좌 수강 (SPA 최신 유형 30일 완성-중급)
온라인 컨텐츠 - 구동사 위주(권아나TV, VOA 등등)
상기 강좌 강의 자료 출력 및 정독(+소리내며)
Perfect Phrases for ESL (Conversation skills) 소리내며 정독
chatGPT로 질문달라고 하고 답해보기

시험점수는 3주후 2시에 나옴, 사진묘사기 없네
원어민 백인 여성 두분과 인터뷰 진행

둘다 와줘서 고마워(Thank you both being here)
w2: 설명해줄께 13분정도할께 둘이번갈아서

w2: 너 풀 네임머야?
ㅇㅇㅇ 이야 편하게 ㅇ 이라해도되( my name is 'ooo'. you can call me 'o'. if you don't mind)
w2: 오케이 미스터 'o'
너 산책 어디서 얼마나 하니?
집주변에 공원이 있어서 거기서해( there is park near my home. so I go that park sometime for walk with my familly)
w2: 얼마나 자주해?
시간별로없어서 가족들이랑 일주일에 한번정도해(I have no much free time. so once a week maybe.)
w2: 옹 이제 얘가 질문할꺼임
w1: 상황을 줄께 봐바. 클라이언트라이언트랑 있는데 지갑이 없어지면 어떻게 할꺼야?
could you ask me that again? sorry.
빌려서 쓸거야(클라이언트가중요하니까라고할껄) 한국사람 친절해서 빌려줄꺼같애(I never thoght about it.. let me see.. If I'm in that situation.. I'll borrow some money someone who near by me. I think they helping me. as you know here in korea. people are very kind so i belive they will helping me.)
w1: 클라이언트만나면 얼마나 자주만나?
안만나 나 디비쪽일해서..(I have no chance to meet client. because i working database part so...I don't meet client.)
w1: 그럼 회의는 어때? 어떤 회의를 얼마나자주해?
많이자주해 하루에 서너번(I do meeting everyday. maybe 3 time per day for discuss important things)
회의 관련해서 뭔가 더 얘기했던거 같은데 기억안남..
w1: 정신건강과 몸건강중 정신건강이 더 중요하다고 하는거 어떻게 생각해?
반정도 동의해 왜냐면 마음 과 몸 둘다 중요하니까.( I partially agree with it. because i thing both of them are important)
w1: 왜 그렇게 생각하닝?
아 맨탈 흔들리면 여러명에게 영향을 줄수있을거같아 총격사건처럼.( because... If have mental problerm It can be affect the other people  not only me but every on.. like that shooting issue you know.. )
w1: 맨탈관리 어떻게 해?
노래들어( I useally listning music like 'little things' )
어떤노래 들어?
클래식이나 뉴에이지 에이드리안 베링거같은거 (I listen classic or newage music, like i said adrian beringar 'little things' or 'merry go round' )
w1: 몸관리 어떻게 해?
달리기해 가끔식 애기 데려다주러 달려서 가고 회사까지도 달려서 출근해
w2: 얘기 들려줄께 요약해봐 - 회사리모델링한거에대한 요약
회사가 좋은선택했네  층이나뉘어져있고 큰 벽이있었는데 바꾸어서 더 밝아지고 소통이 잘되씀( I think company good choise. there is a company recently remodring in order to improve converstion. and the company achive what their goal.) 
w1: 뭐가 좋아졌어?왜 좋아진거야?그 전구조는 어땟어?
대화가 잘되었데 대화는 모든일에서 젤중요하다고 생각해. 벽이있었다고 들었어
w1: 층이어떻게되있었댓지?
층이 나뉘어져있었댓던거같애
w2: 이 메일박스 분류에대한 파이차트 두개 비교
이거 메일박스에대한 파이차트야.
2009년에 패키지랑 광고가 많고 2019년에도 그러네?
딜리버리관련된게 쪼끔 증가했엉 (섹션수 얘기를 못했네..)

w2  ㅇㅇ 수고했엉 여기까지 테스트야 잘지내렴~ 
thank you. bye bye (쫌더 stick around 했어야했나..)

감점예상은 맨탈쪽 얘기할때 맨탈털려서 잠깐 어으음~~
문법오류야 엄청많았을듯



아래는 준비 했던거

Thank you for your time. I'm looking forward to doing my best today.

I'm not so sure

I haven't though about it, but  if i have to answer

extrovert(action oriented, open, socialble, outgoing) / introvert

there are several reassons why~+
when it comes to (work/children/relation) matter

extrovert personality

q. how would you describe yourself?
a. I would describe myself as a family-oriented person. I think there are a few reasons for that. First of all, I engage in  acivities with my familly every week. I also take care of my kids' school drop-off and pick-up. On top of that, I'm pretty good at household chores. Now that I say it, it really does seem true!

q. What are you strongest point and weekest point?
Recently, I haven't had time to think about it. but now I have a chance to consider it. let's take a look. I think I'm good at making people fell comfortable, and that's strength of mine. It seems like my team members of colleagues perform better when they comunicate with me. On the other hand, being a heavy sleeper is a weakness of mine. Since I'm raising kids, my free time is only before 6 am. but I often miss morning jogs because of my sleep.

q. Do you prefer to stay at home or to go out during your leisure time

clumsy 서툴다, 덜렁대다 absent-minded 정신이 딴데 팔
have a tendency to ~ 하는 경향이 있다
in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, plus 로 연결
overall , for thease reasons ~

there is nothing better than see the shors to kill time.
doing/engage in /enjoy something

q. What is your favorite movie.
Actually I haven't seen a movie in a theater for about 10 years. because i have to keep an eye on my kids'. But i like Marvel movies because they have cool characters and flashy action scenes. I guess even at 40, men are still like little rascal.

I'm just neutral.
even thought ~지라도
612어학원 단기 점수를 잘 받을 수 있는 frame을 제공한다

q. With whom do you enjoy your hobby during your free time?
Actually, I don't have much free time.

q. Tell me about one of the personality aspects that youy admire the most.

1회 1시간 10만원 목표까지 6회 예상
한문장 줄줄 두세 문장 구성

live as if you were die tomorrow.

Low profile 눈에안띄게

Thank you both for being here today. I appreciate how you make this feel like a comfortable environment.”

Clear the deck 하고 집중 



### Part 1:
- **Could you please introduce yourself briefly?**  
  *Hi, let me introduce myself. I’m a 40-year-old man who works in programming and managing navigation map databases. I have two children and a lovely spouse, and we live in Jamsil, Songpa-gu. I assume you don’t need details like my height or weight, so I’ll skip those. That’s who I am. Thank you.*

- **What do you enjoy doing in your free time?**  
  *Actually, I don’t have much free time since, as I mentioned, I’m raising two children. But if I do get some free time, I enjoy shopping for sports gear. Honestly, I’m very budget-conscious, so I usually just go window shopping.*

- **Tell me about a recent achievement you are proud of.**  
  *Let me see... Actually, I expected you might ask this, but I don’t quite remember my prepared answer. My recent achievement is completing a project I focused on this year. It started in January and just finished last month. There were a lot of risks and issues, but I handled them well, and I’m proud of that.*


### Part 2:
경험에 관한 질문
- **Describe a time when you solved a problem at work or in your daily life. How did you handle it?**  
  *First of all, I think the most important thing is understanding the main problem. I try to stay calm and identify the main issue. Then, I discuss it with the stakeholders. Usually, once we identify the problem together, we can solve it more easily.*

- **What’s one skill you’ve improved recently, and how did you improve it?**  
  *I’d like to talk about English speaking, but I’m not sure I can explain well! So, let me talk about running instead. My endurance has improved a lot. The reason is that I want to run every day, and since I have to drop off my two children every morning, I sometimes run to work after dropping them off. Over time, my stamina has naturally improved.*

- **Describe a challenging project you worked on and how you managed it.**  
  *I think my recent project was very challenging because the deadline was very tight, and we couldn’t start on time due to budget issues. However, as I mentioned earlier, we completed the project successfully. This was thanks to my team members, who helped me a lot. I’m really grateful to them.*


### Part 3:
의견 제시
- **In your opinion, what makes a good leader?**  
  *I believe communication is everything. Even when there’s trouble, we can handle it by talking things out. I know it depends on the person’s character, but in my opinion, communication is the most important quality in a good leader.*

- **Do you think technology has made our lives better? Why or why not?**  
  *I couldn’t agree more that technology has improved our lives. I love technology! If I didn’t have my smartphone or car, I couldn’t study, work, or enjoy my life as I do now. A couple of simple examples are the dishwasher and the laundry machine—I definitely couldn’t live without them!*

- **What are some advantages and disadvantages of working from home?**  
  *I think working from home is good for my family, but I personally don’t enjoy it because my work efficiency is very low at home. When I’m home, I have too many tasks, like laundry, running the dishwasher, and cleaning. So I can’t fully concentrate on my work, which is why I feel working from home doesn’t have many advantages for productivity.*


### Part 4:
상황에 따른 답변
- **Imagine you have to plan a company event. What steps would you take to make it successful?**  
  *It’s simple: planning, meeting, and executing. That’s the basic process. Could you provide more details, by any chance?*

- **You need to work with a new team on a project. How would you introduce yourself and establish good communication?**  
  *First of all, I would compliment them, even if they don’t show obvious strengths. I’d try to find something positive and use it as an icebreaker. If possible, I’d share some past achievements as well. Maybe we’d even go for a drink together to build rapport.*

- **You are given a task with a tight deadline. How would you prioritize and complete it?**  
  *I would prioritize tasks based on how easy they are to complete, starting with the shorter tasks that involve more team members. For the tougher tasks, I’d assign them to our ace team members and make sure to encourage and compliment them along the way. This is how I manage to finish projects successfully.*


