단어 warble, actually, frugal, kimd of, reproduce 고음 지저귀는, 실재, 검소, 조금, 재생산 actually she is frugal. and always warbled the song such kind of reproduced thing. 회화 회식을 파티라고 해도되는구나. I found a great bulgogi restaurant with a party room for us. 불고기집 괜찮은데 봐둬써. Oh, can you show me some pictures? 사진보여줘 Yes, I took some last night. What do you think? 어제 몇장 찍었지. 어때보여? Wow, the room looks great! Is the price ..
2019. 12. 17.
단어 modernize, dispute, take steps, feeble, recognition 현대화된, 분쟁, 조치하다, 약한, 인지하다 he already took some steps before i recognize that feeble dispute about modernize. 회화 약속잡기~ Hey, Yoon, thanks for meeting me at the cafe. 카페서 만나줘서고마웡 Sure thing. Did you figure out the date of the party. 뭘~ 날짜는 생각해봤어? they suggested thursday december 20th or the 27th. 12월 목요일 중에 20일이나 27일 얘기하던데 Oh, perhaps we should ..
2019. 12. 16.