단어 recede, triangle, play in, cohegen, cruise 서서희사라지다,삼각형,연주,응집,크루즈여행 the band play in with triangle cohesion on the cruise 회화 Michael, our bathroom light won’t turn on. 화장실 불안들어와염 Will you check what the problem is? 봐줄래요? sure let's see 봅시다아 Oh, we need to change the bulb. 전구나갔네 갈아야되 I think we have an extra bulb in the cabinet. 캐비넷에 여분하나있었던듯 The one in the living room? 거실에있는거? No, please look ..
2019. 12. 2.
[오늘의 영어]19.11.28
오늘의단어 doubly, rebellious, definition, hang off, propriety 두배의, 반항하는, 정의, 매달리다, 적적한 >오늘의영어 I like that dress. It has perpect color, size, and style! i like it too and i don't think it's expensive. I’ll take a look. Hmm. There’s no brand label. I found it here! It's on sale for 15 dollars. wow you are lucky. and the other things only cost 20 dollars Yes, let's choose more clothes i'm going to buy ..
2019. 11. 28.