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[오늘의영어]19.11.01 오늘의단어 collide, skeletone, dart, bland, for anything 충돌,뼈,다트,단조로운,뭘하더라도/도저히 for refreshing my bland life, i start to learn dart for fun. two month later my skeletons are nerver adapt the movement for anything 오늘의 회화 뜬금없이 수박?? 싼거얘기지? 수박 살 때 돈을 절약할 방법을 찾았어. I found a way to save money when buying watermelon. 어떻게 절약할 수 있는데? How can you save? 두개사믄 할인됨 you can get a discount if you buy two of the same.. 2019. 11. 1.
[오늘의영어]19.10.31 오늘의단어 disagreement, ready made, lordly, veil, even thoygh I wanted read made the lordly veil even though, he disagree with it. 오늘의회화 좋아, 드디어 디데이네. OK, the big day is here. 우리 분장을 세상에 뽐낼 준비 됐어? Are you ready to reveal our costumes to the world? 아, 마이크. 너무 오버하지 마. Oh, Mike. Don’t make such a big deal out of it. 그냥 친구들과 변장 파티를 하는 거잖아. It’s just a costume party with our friends. 알어.아는데 나 이런거 되게 좋아해 .. 2019. 10. 31.
[오늘의영어]19.10.29 오늘의단어 어제 슈퍼윙스보면서 생각 나지않던 단어가 공부로 나왔다. overpower 였구나 제압하는게 앞으로도 relentless 하게 공부하자 relentless, overpower, not anymore, landlady, lonesome. relentless trinning make me super. i don't afraid of them not anymore. i'm going to overpower them as lonesome lion. 오늘의 회화 할로윈문화권에 살면 재밋을까? 매년 피곤할것같다는 생각이 먼저 드는데 .. 뭣없게느껴진다. 끝내주네! 너 진짜 선택을 잘한 것 같다. That looks incredible! I think you made a great choise. 진짜? 친.. 2019. 10. 29.
[오늘의영어]19.10.28 오늘의단어 humidity, take a bite of, heave(move something very heavy with bounce), riddle(curios thing quiz), landing when they are landing. air was fully humidity so they couldn't take a bite of meal. that they they have to heave to move but they couldn't make it. itvs not riddle that's so clear. 오늘의 회화 할로윈 복장을 정하라고해서 정했는데 네거티브한다.. 나는 핼러윈 때 피겨 스케이팅 선수를 하면 좋을 것 같아. I think I want to be a figure skate.. 2019. 10. 28.