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전체 글685

[오늘의영어]20.02.17 남자가 좀불쌍한데.. It's so good to be out in a nature. Yes I like being out in a nature. I'd like to live in a house with a yard in the contryside. me too, i'd love to have a dog,too. Maybe we are destined to be together. come on eddy i don't have any romantic feelings for you. Who know? I don't want to lose my best friends 2020. 2. 17.
조인 조건절 위치에 따른 차이 설명 (SQL join where clause vs on clause) Left join 에서 Where 절에 조건이 들어가는 경우와 On 절에 조건이 들어가는 경우의 차이 하고자 합니다. 개념적 이해 대상의 범위를 먼저 지정하냐 나중에 지정하냐의 차이 (on -> where) Inner join 일 경우는 상관 없는 문제. outer join 일 경우에는 상관이 있음. Optimizer 는 이렇 게 해석합니다. WHERE 절: 조인한 후에 필터링(= null 포함 된 대상에 대해 null이 아닌 대상으로 필터링) ON 절 : 조인하기 전에 필터링(= 필터링 후 outer join결과 null 출력 가능) 조인의 기준(driving) 테이블의 조건은 on/where 어디든 동일 하지만 조인 대상 테이블의 조건은 on에 작성되어야 원하는 결과를 볼수 있다. ( where 절은.. 2020. 2. 14.
[오늘의영어]200214 i am a vault. 나 금고야 입무거워 you can pull off that linen. 린넨옷소화할수있어 she got her period. 그날! I don't think i've been in love before. how's your cousine alice doing. I was remember she sang so well. she's doing fine. she recently has been to newyork to sing opera. Wow then would her acting be as good as her sining. I've seen her perform before and she acted well like she's good at singing. wow, I woul.. 2020. 2. 14.
[오늘의영어]200213 발렌타인데이... Yoon i'm leaving work early tommorow. I want to get home early for valentine's day Do you have any special plans. Yes, I'm taking my wife to her favorate restaurant. That should be nice. Have you thought about a nice gift for her. Yes, I will write her a handwritten note. In the note , I will tell her about the ski trip. I am so sure she'll love that. from carrot. We're going to A on B.. 2020. 2. 13.