오늘의 단어 commune, condemn, photograph, instinct, not exactly 공동체,규탄,사진,본능,전혀아님 as you can see this photograph, 70's hippy commune not exactly comdemn from people. it just cause of instinct. 오늘의 회화 친구의 결정에 응원의 한마디를 날리지않고 대뜸 다시생각해보라는 친구. 흥칫 Arman, can you please make twelve copies of this? 아만아. 이거 열두개만 복사즘. Okay, don’t worry. Is this for the meeting? 옹~미팅때쓸꼬? Yes. Well, we have fifteen minutes befor..
2019. 11. 12.