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[오늘의영어]19.11.26 오늘의단어 gratify, stufidity, go a long way, interrupt, formality 감솨한, 어리석은, 오래가다, 방해, 형식상 It gratified him to follow that stupidity formality but also go a long way interrupt efficiency. 오늘의 회화 매일밤 우리의모습 속쓰린 하루하루 Hey, aren’t you hungry? 배안고파? shall we order in some food or eat out. 머좀시키까?나가서먹으까? There must be some leftover chicken in the fidge. 치킨남은거냉장고에 있엉 Then you have that food, and I’ll have so.. 2019. 11. 26.
[오늘의영어]19.11.25 오늘의 단어 recess, win out, theatrical, condensation, stagnant 휴정, 쟁취해내다, 극적인, 응고된, 정체된 under stagnant situation, sometime theatical recess called but waters still won out to condensation 오늘의 회화 공항에서 발생한 원치않는 이 상황 Your suitcase is over the weight limit. 짐이 수하물규정 넘겼네요. Really? Then how muvh should I should for that? 얼마면되?니까? Your suitcase is 3 kilograms over the weight limit. 3키로넘었네요 so you have to p.. 2019. 11. 25.
[오늘의영어]19.11.22 오늘의 단어 discomfort, outrage,jump off,psychic,publication. 불편, 분노,뛰어들다,심령,간행물 The publication about psychic discomfort lead people jumping off to outrage. 오늘의 영어 모니터 산거 자랑 겸 기계치인증 I bought a new monitor. 모니터샀엉 I don't have to look at the small laptop screen anymore. 인제 노트북 직은 화면 안봐도되 good job why did you buy it now. 잘됐네 왜 진작 안하구 Well, I didn't know it would be this easy to connect back then. 연결하기 .. 2019. 11. 22.
[오늘의영어]19.11.21 [오늘의단어] stumble, pointer, take a course, construct, roaring. 절뚝 거리다, 충고, 코스로가다, 건축하다, 으르렁대다. He decide to take a course for pointing stumble construct site. 오늘의 영어 How can I help you? 네~ I'd like to return these books. 반납요 What’s wrong with this book? There’s no cover. 커버째졌네요 I fell on a chair and tore the cover off. 의자에서 넘어 져가지고 You’ll have to pay for the damage. Is that OK? 배상필요요 okay. how muc.. 2019. 11. 21.